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What is Fascia Blasting?

Based on Ashley Black’s Fasciology™, this form of work uses a self-treating handheld device to loosen restricted fascia and improve overall health. The fascia blaster is a safe and effective therapy tool used by the trained therapist to break up scar tissue, adhesions, and knots. The repetitive brisk motion is applied in sequence over the skin, with specific applied pressure to meet the different layers of fascia. During the treatment, the therapist will use lymphatic drainage and Swedish massage to flush the muscles and the tissues. Fascia blasting can help deal with nagging pain or bothersome areas because it effectively deals with the pain’s physical source. 


Cellulite is a multi-factorial problem. Women have fibrous bands (fascia) that runs from the skin to muscle through the fat. When these bands pull down under the skin (restricted unhealthy fascia), the fat pushes upward, causing cellulite dimples. Fascia Blasting helps restore integrity to the fascial structure by internally rejuvenating and restoring the elasticity of the fibrous bands within your dermis, reducing the dimpling in your skin.

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How Can Fascia Blasting Help You?

Fascia Blasting offers a multifaceted approach to enhancing both external beauty and internal wellness. Beyond its visible rejuvenating effects, fascia blasting plays a crucial role in facilitating the body's detoxification process. Embedded within the fascia, the lymphatic system serves as the body's detox mechanism, responsible for eliminating toxins and waste products. However, when the fascia becomes restricted, toxins accumulate, impeding the body's natural detoxification process. Fascia blasting creates the necessary space within the tissues to release trapped toxins, while its action promotes metabolic flushing. By alleviating these restrictions, fascia blasting catalyzes the detoxification journey, promoting overall well-being and vitality.

What To Expect

Madeline’s signature fascia treatment integrates Ashley Black's renowned fascia tools alongside soothing moist heat and invigorating deep percussion therapies. Experience firsthand the transformative effects of fascia blasting as it stimulates, detoxifies, and rejuvenates your tissues, resulting in visibly healthier and firmer skin. While the reduction of cellulite and uneven skin texture is a natural outcome of regular treatment due to its rejuvenating benefits, fascia blasting extends far beyond mere cosmetic enhancement. By restoring healthy fascia function, this therapy alleviates pain, enhances posture, promotes flexibility, optimizes nerve function and energy flow, and improves lymphatic circulation, fostering emotional well-being. As your partner in wellness, Madeline offers guidance and support to optimize your fascia blasting experience and achieve your desired results. 

The Many Benefits of Fascia Blasting

  • Reduce pain & inflammation

  • Break up scar tissue, adhesions & knots

  • Increase flexibility

  • Release tension

  • Lessen stress on joints

  • Allow for better skeletal alignment

  • Increase Collagen

  • Eliminate cellulite

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Madeline Michaels

Serving NJ & NYC

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© 2024 by Fascia Rejuvenation 

Website by: Classy Websites NJ/NYC

For All Service & Product Inquiries

To book an appointment please contact Madeline. You will be asked to fill out a private questionnaire, plus a welcome call to answer your questions and schedule your appointment.

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